Monday, September 13, 2004

Two falsehoods in one "official" paragraph

An official State Dept.Biography of President-Elect George W. Bush:
"George W. was commissioned as a second lieutenant and spent two years on active duty, flying F-102 fighter interceptors. For almost four years after that, he was on a part-time status, flying occasional missions to help the Air National Guard keep two of its F-102s on round-the-clock alert."
This is false. From the Boston Globe in 2000:
But 22 months after finishing his training, and with two years left on his six-year commitment, Bush gave up flying - for good, it would turn out.
So he didn't even fly for "two years" as his official biography states.

And he flew for the last time on April 6, 1972 and "never flew a military plane again." So, he did not fly "occasional missions" after his 22 months flying -- not for one day , much less for "four years" as his official State Department bio states.

I see Walter V. Robinson of the Boston Globe caught this earlier, and it was supposed to be corrected in February at the latest. Gee, I wonder how these falsehoods, inflating Bush's service got into these biographies at all?

It's on at least five US Government websites still. (For some reason, the first link I use in this post is not among those in the Google search that finds five more.)

These documents are from Bush's current term, showing just how recently he's lied about his record.

1 comment:

  1. So it's not just that bush has been saying he was 'honorably discharged' and that settles it (which is his recent line).

    His campaign and/or the Administration have lied about it well into 2004.

    What will we tell the children?
