Thursday, December 30, 2004

Faith-Based v. Reality-Based, Redux

Florida State may open a Chiropractic school, angering some of the fact-based community there.

They have created a funny "map" which they envision may be the ultimate status of the campus if the quackery school opens the door to further non-reality-based teaching.

Good for the professors standing up to this.

Who's leading the push to insitute a quackery school? Members of the faith-based party, it seems:
But Sen. Dennis Jones, the Treasure Island Republican who spearheaded legislative support for the school in the spring, said the professors were "overreacting."

He accused anti-chiropractic groups from outside the state of stirring faculty opposition at FSU.

"If they resign, so be it," said Jones, a chiropractor himself. The instructors don't deserve to teach at FSU, he said, "if they're putting their credentials with people known for promoting professional bigotry."

The Legislature appropriated $9-million annually for the chiropractic school, which was pushed by Jones and then-Senate President Jim King, R-Jacksonville, an FSU graduate. It would be the only school of its kind in the country.
So now requiring evidence and experimental support is "professional bigotry." How quickly the Republicans turn to victim status when they meet any resistance.

Dr. Stephen Barrett's invaluable is a good place to start investigating many kinds of quackery, including chiropractic.

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