Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Georgia, not the US one.

All you really need to read about the Georgia / South Ossetia conflict, from War Nerd:

South Ossetia, The War of My Dreams

Some snippets, but read the whole thing:
The fretting and fussing and sky-is-falling crap about this war is going to die down fast, and the bottom line will be simple: the Georgians overplayed their hand and got slapped, and we caught a little of the follow-through, which is what happens when you waste your best troops—and Georgia’s, for that matter—on a dumb war in the wrong place. We detatched Kosovo from a Russian ally; they detached South Ossetia from an American ally. It’s a pawn exchange, if that. If it signals anything bigger, it’s the fact that the US is weaker than it was ten years ago and Russia is much, much stronger than it was in Yeltsin’s time. But anybody with sense knew all that already.

Many more good points about how the Georgians learned all the wrong lessons from Bush and the neocons.

And, his distillation:
There are three basic facts to keep in mind about the smokin’ little war in Ossetia:

1. The Georgians started it.
2. They lost.
3. What a beautiful little war!

Of course, his point 3 is ironic. You have to read the whole thing. You will likely learn some things and laugh a bit, too.

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